
MIndful Activities - 2nd primary School of Agios Nikolaos - Gika Anastasia -Petanidou Anastasia - Kakampakou Anthoula - Pagkalou Paraskevi - Rena Athanasaki -

  Our students carried out mindful practices after each month's activity for the etwinning project " Play read eat create be grateful repeat ... ". Latest research in the field of neuroscience with evidence based papers shows that mindful activities cultivate meta cognitive awareness abilities and strengthen the grade of resilience in students. Intra and inter personal hapiness and well-being are skills which can definitely can evolve in primary school age with great long- term benefits. Teachers of our school : Gika Anastasia Rena Athanasaki Kakampakou Anthoula Pagkalou Paraskevi and Petanidou Anastasia carried out the practices paired with the 6th month- long project.                                                              Watch the  video!!!

eTwinning National Quality Label - Santarém - Portugal


Dissemination of our project - 2nd primary School of Agios Nikolaos - Crete - Greece

 Teachers : Gika Anastasia - Kakampakou Anthoula - Rena Athanasaki - Pagkalou Paraskevi and Petanidou Anastasia worked coolaboratively with the a large body of students of our school, all year long,  in order each activity of our project to be not only well-oriented as a quidance for addressing the global challenges regarding sustainabulity in our Planet,  but also to better protect the natural resources while ensuring that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.                                               Please visit our school's  website  for more info about dissemination of our project! Also enjoy our participation in the  final school festival  with the  activities  of our e Twinning project!!

eTwinning Project Dissemination (Class AP3A - Teacher Carla Nunes)

eTwinning Project "Play, read, eat, create, be grateful, repeat…" Dissemination (Class AP3A - Teacher Carla Nunes)

Dissemination | Our presentation of eTwinning project - 7th Primary School of Thebes,Greece

  The presentation of eTwinning project 2022-2023: "Play, read, eat, create, be grateful, repeat..."  by 7th Primary School of Thebes | Greece. A wonderful, creative and collaborative project has finished.  It was an amazing experience which helped us all to broaden our horizons and make new friends. Here's information on our work!

Alexandre Herculano Cluster - Mindful

 On the day I went to class 07.T2 to promote the project "Play, read, eat, create, be grateful, repeat...", we started the session with some breathing exercises, but today we extended our mindful session and we performed several exercises. 1 -  Walking freely, but attentive to the steps they took. II - Sitting down, breathing calmly. III - "Elephant that breathes" IV - "Fire in hands" V - "Rain" VI - "Hot chocolat" VII - "Blowing up balloons" VIII - "Smell the flowers"

Yoga Time!

Cultivating SEL through our eTwinning Project Emotional intelligence, social competency, adaptable coping strategies, compassionate and positive attitudes, ability to focus – all these skills are cultivated by the consistent and supportive practice of yoga and mindfulness techniques. Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an umbrella term for the process through which children and adults acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to recognize and manage their emoticons, set and achieve positive goals, demonstrate caring and concern for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, make responsible decisions and handle interpersonal situations effectively. SEL promotes young people’s academic success, health, and well-being at the same time that it prevents a variety of conduct problems such as violence and bullying. Yoga and mindfulness decrease stress, attention deficit issues, depression, and anxiety in children, and benefit physical health, psychological well-being,...