
Showing posts from November, 2022

eTwinning project activity “ Take me outdoors” | 7th Primary School of Thebes Greece

My 4th graders from 7th Primary School of Thebes , Greece, enjoyed the game from Turkey. We had such a great time. Thank you Suleyman!

Winner logo!


Who are we?

 To introduce themselves, my students built their avatar. Apresentação (2) Publish at Calameo

It's the game moment! Let's play now! ( ICS Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, Italy)

😉  My students loved " Fine salt, coarse salt". Thank you Anastasìa dear for your suggestion!

Greek Traditional Game - Blind Fly

  For this game, at least four children are needed and a scarf is required. It can be developed both indoors and outdoors. The children choose the child who will be blindfolded with the scarf. Then the rest of the kids move around it, talk to it, ask it to catch them, etc. When one is caught, the child doing the "Blind fly" tries, with his eyes closed because of the scarf, to identify it by feeling. If he succeeds, then the child caught becomes the "Blind fly" and the game continues. The students' opinion when they played the traditional game of Greece: “The game Blind Fly is similar to Jogo da Cabra Cega" (Blind goat), from Portugal”. “I loved playing a game I knew and knowing that kids in Greece also play the same game.” “It was a fun morning!"

Portuguese Traditional Game

Sack Race Material "Burlap" bags or plastic raffia. Participants Variable number / Individual or by teams Initial Disposition A playing field is delimited, of about 20x8m with two lines (starting line and finishing line) Development Players will be organized into series. To the voice of "Ready!" they will place themselves inside the bags, (grasping the flaps of the bag with their hands) and after the starting signal, they will try, jumping, to reach the finish line as quickly as possible. Rules Players cannot get out of the bags. In case they become unbalanced, they can restart the race in the place where they interrupted it, as long as they are placed inside the bags. Only players who finish the race inside their respective bags will be classified. The player who finishes the test first (complete the test in less time) wins. Note: As the game is processed by series, you can choose to determine the first two of each series and, later, carry out a fin...

World Food Day Poster - Fontainhas School, Santarém, Portugal

  World Food Day Poster

Winner Logo - Fontainhas School, Santarém, Portugal


Logos - Fontainhas School, Santarém, Portugal

 The logos created by my class.